Saturday, December 10, 2005

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Life as a student blogger.

When I was first introduced to the blog, I reacted a little intimidated to the idea of creating a website; little did I know that this would become the most exiting experience of the whole semester. The blog not only helped me develop my technology experiences, but it also show me a new way of communication, through on line conversations. The best part of the blog is that I am allowed to post information, which could be view by any person around the world, how cool is that? In addition, I am also part of other class members’ blogs, on which I am allow to post comment about their work. I am constantly visiting Spanglish, in order to check if anyone has comment on my postings.
Blogs are a great tool to implement on the curriculum; I would strongly recommend any teacher to add them in their classroom.
One of the most important skills that I learn through my experiences with the blog is to create links. It is awesome that while being in my blog, I can set up links that would take the user to another website.
In general, I realize that spend a lot of time working in this blog, but I think it was worth it. I also think I will miss this activity, and I know you will too. I hope the best for you guys!

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Title: Involving Excel with running and math.

Objective: Teach students with enough skills in order to use Excel to create a linear graph by using collected data from the cross country races, and runners’ times for every race. The main objective from this project is for the students to be able to draw predictions from a pattern of data.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Before doing this lesson, my students would be taught to create a slop intercept form equation (y = mx + b) by using two points in a plane(x,y),(x,y) . In addition, the student would be taught to use the slope intercept form equation in order to make a linear graph. The purpose of these lessons is for the students to become familiar with graphing by using equations. Following more, the students would be taught to use Excel in order create a scatter plot graph by using two groups of numbers. One group would be used as the (x) axis values and the other group as (y) axis values (in order to create the scatter plot in excel, open excel then place the (x) number values on the first column and the (y) number values on the second, then pressing the left button on the mouse and high light both of the columns. Following more, select “Insert” and them “Chart”. Finally, select “(xy) scatter”, name the x, and y axes values. Select finish and you would had have created a scatter plot graph). After the scatter plot graph is made, the students would create a linear graph(in order to crate a linear graph out of the scatter plot graph, right click on any of the point on the scatter plot graph, then press the right button on the mouse. Select “Add trendline” and chose “linear”, and a linear graph would appear covering most of the points). Finally, the students would be taught to create the slope intercept form equation, y = mx + b (in order to create the equation, right click on the linear graph. Then select “Format Trendline”, then select options, finally, select “Display equation on chart” and the slop intercept form equation would showed). Finally, after the equation is created, it would be used as a standard equation in order to draw any predictions relating to the scatter plot graph. For example, if the Scatter plot graph relates to fourteen groups of numbers on which every number represents a Cross Country race, and the (x) value is the number of the race and the (y) value is the time a runner run for that race, when replacing the x value on the equation for the fifteen race, the student would be estimating the time the runner would run for the fifteen race. Isn’t that awesome?

Materials and/or tools: the teacher would provide shits of paper, each representing a runner’s time for every race. Every shit would provide two lists of fourteen numbers. The first list of numbers for every sheet would represent the race number: race number one, number two, number three, etc. This first list would also represent the values for the (x) axis. The second list of numbers would represent the times that every runner ran for every race: 16.3 minutes, 16.8 minutes, 19 minutes, etc. The second list would also represent the values of the (y) axis.
The class would also need calculators and the computer lab.

Set up/Context: This Project is for tenth and eleventh grade algebra level. This activity will take about three class meeting. The activity would take place on the classroom during the first day, and on the computer lab on the second and third day.

During the first day, the students would be taught to create a slop intercept form equation, and its proper method to graph it.
During the second day, the students would be taught to use Excel in order to create scatter plot graphs, linear graphs, and slop intercept form equations.
Finally, on the third, the teacher will hand shits with Cross Country runner’s times on fourteen races. The students would use these times number of the race in order to create a linear graph and its slop intercept form equation, whit this information the student would be asked to predict the time for the fifteenth and sixteenth race.

Out come: After completing this activity the learner would be able to predict a pattern of group of numbers, such as, the relation ship between age and grade point average, age and shoe size, races and the runners times for that race, etc.

Evaluation: During the completion of the project the instructor would be assisting the students with any questions in order to ensure that they are following the proper procedures. In addition the students would be quized in order ensure that they learned the material. After completing the projects the teacher would collect the projects in order to grade them. In order to find out how well they did, the students would receive a grade a day after completing the project.

Follow up: After completing the project the students would be assigned with a work sheet, on which six pairs in a plane would be included. The student would have to connect every two points with a line. Following more, the students would create six slop intercept form equations from every two points connected. A final question would be added in the work sheet on which the students would be asked to compare the method of creating line graphs with
This class is indeed and introduction to education. On our modern educational field, there is a high demand of implementing technology in the curriculum. This class has developed my technological skills and also helped me to become less afraid of the technological environment as a future teacher. During the development of the projects and assignment, I constantly learned something new about technology. In general, I feel overwhelming with the technology experiences that I gain during this class.
The above paragraph is the conclusion from my reflection assignment. The reflection paper is a summary of my biggest impressions out of the semester. To have full access to my Reflection paper press here.

Friday, December 09, 2005

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Before Dr. Beylen assigned the PPT Kiosk Project, I thought I had enough experience on using PowerPoint, Yet, my assumptions were some what not correct. While creating power point, I enhance my skill enormously on this field of technology: I learned to use custom animation, insert pictures, and best of all, insert music in a PowerPoint presentation. I think is a great advantage for teachers to include PowerPoint in their curriculum because it gives them alternative options to communicate information to students.
The purpose of the PPT Kiosk Project was to compare and contrast our modern technology with Mr. Ruiz’s (the elderly I interview for my 18 going 80 assignment) technology experiences. In order to have full access to my PPT Kiosk PowerPoint click here.

(Picture Provided by Ismael Galicia)

During 1950, when Mr. Ruiz was seven years old, a group of veterinaries sent by the Mexican government went to Mr. Ruiz’s hometown in order to provide medicine for animals, which at that time were constantly dying from an unknown virus. Mr. Ruiz along with the people from his home town rapidly became amazed with the advance transportation that these veterinaries were using. Because there were not roads, the jeeps were force to go trough any surface area, Mr. Ruiz considered these cars as indestructible, yet, astonishing monsters. For Mr. Ruiz, this became his first experience with technology.
The paragraph above is part of my eighteen going eighty assignment. During this assignment, I interviewed an older person, Gabriel Ruiz, about his technology experiences while growing up, and then I wrote a journal summarizing them. I enjoyed creating this assignment, especially because while interviewing Mr. Ruiz, I was able to learn about the Mexican culture in the United States during the 1950’s. In addition, I learned about the popular technology items during Mr. Ruiz’s youth. In order to have full access of Mr. Ruiz’s technology experiences press here. I hope you like it!

"Picture Provided by Amy Chambers"
Unlike many of my friends, I was not completely familiar with digital pictures and their advantages in our technology atmosphere. One of my latest experiences that may relate to most of the students of this university is not to be able to arrange picture in order to post them in web, such Facebook or e-mails. However, during the beginning of this semester, one of the most entreating activates was to learn editing digital pictures. In addition, as part of this activity, I was assigned to create a story describing the university. The story also had to relating to a group of digital pictures that my class had taken for the university and its surroundings. In order to read my digital story, and also to observe my edited pictures press here. I hope you like it!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"Parrot in the Oven"

This is an amazing book about a fourteen year-old boy's sometimes funny, sometimes sad vida.

"Manny’s dad is always calling him el perico, or parrot.It’s from a Mexican saying about a parrot that complains how hot it is in the shade while all along he’s sitting inside the oven and doesn’t know it.But Manny wants to be smarter than the parrot in the oven—he wants to find out what it means to be a vato firme, a guy to respect.From an exciting new voice in Chicano literature, this is a beautifully written, vivid portrait of one Mexican-American boy’s life."

Click here to learn more!

How different are e-books compared to regular picture books? After evaluating the e-books, I quickly recognized how different e-books are compared to the traditional picture book. Before I started this assignment, I found it hard to believe you could actually put a book up on the computer and keep it interesting. As I was growing up, I would have never imagined there being a book on the computer. I was dedicated to my traditional page-flipping treasures. I loved showing off my collection of books and being able to pick them up whenever I wanted. This gave me the flexibility to read when I wanted. Having a computer in my room at such a young age would have been considered an extreme luxury. This is how e-books differ from regular, old-fashioned picture books. Either children would have set limits to reading when and where they wanted or would not even have the opportunity to use a computer. Reading should not be considered a luxury. It should be available at all times and also have the flexibility to be put or placed anywhere the child feels most comfortable. To view more of this click here!

Above is an excerpt from my e-book evaluation. I had never been exposed to such technology before this class. In my evaluation, I spoke about both the positive and negative aspects of having e-books. In short, I didn't see much diversity included in the e-books, however I found it interesting that children who are glued to the computer or television, still have the opportunity to learn to improve their reading skills while using technology. I never was exposed to this positive aspect about using technology. I view computers as something plain complicated and pointless to education. This class has opened my eyes to the realities of our future classrooms. I expected to learn a few tricks here and there in this class but now I have realized the importantance of including the different types of technology when we are teaching.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Technology + Music + English = Final Classroom Activity!

Title: Learning English Through Music and Technology

Objectives: The objectives for this activity will be to teach students how to learn and teach a song in English, present their information using PowerPoint, set-up an E-mail account, how to navigate the internet, and introduce the different styles of music in the United States.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge: The only prerequisite skills and knowledge needed for this project are intrest in learning English and about different styles of music. A basic knowledge of computers is not a must because there will be a simple review. We would spend about a day going over the basics of the Internet and PowerPoint.

Materials and/or Tools: The materials needed are up-to-date computers, access to the Internet and PowerPoint.

Set Up / Context: This project is designed for highschool ESOL students and will last for an entire week (depending on how often the class meets). This activity should take place in the classroom because most students may not have access to a computer.

Process / Instructions:

1-Introduce the different styles of music in the United States.

2-Before you start this assignment involving technology, you need to be aware that some of the students might not know how to use a computer. Most ESOL students come from low income households and may have not been exposed to computers in their home countries. Therefore, before you start this activity, it is vital that you introduce computers by taking baby steps.)In class, I suggest having each student create a simple PowerPoint (3 slides) about the type of music they like (ex. Rock, Hip-Hop).

3-On the next day, you can help the students improve their PowerPoint by adding in special effects (such as transitions) and pictures. It is also important that you create a free yahoo account for each student. Go to to do so. Another tool you can expose your students to is how to use the Internet by using search engines such as or (google in Spanish).

4-After your students have mastered the basics of PowerPoint, split them into five groups: Rock, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Oldies.

5-Now, assign the groups to create a creative PowerPoint using the chorus of a song from their type of music. They will also need to be prepared to teach the chorus to the class when they have completed it. Make sure that you provide both bilingual (Spanish-English) and English language dictionaries during the project. Also, provide websites students can visit for extra help in English and Spanish.There is a catch. The chorus needs to include the word love. This is where the Internet research comes in handy.

6- The groups will then need to e-mail you the song of their choice for approval. After you have e-mailed your approval back to the student; give the class two days to complete the PowerPoint.

7-On the next day, the groups should be prepared to teach their song to the class.

Outcome: Once this activity has been completed, each group will have been exposed to a variety of different types of music in the United States. The students should have a better understanding of the computer such as the uses of the Internet (E-mailing, researching) and PowerPoint. Students should also be familiar with the different types of music in the United States and find some similarties so they could continue to listen and understand each song in the English language.

Evaluation and Feedback: When evaluating each group, be sure that the group work has been evenly distributed. During the first couple of days, pay attention to the sites each student is at. When the students are presenting in class, it is vital that each student speaks.

Follow Up: It is easy to follow up on this activity. Ask each Monday morning if there are any new songs out that they like or check to see if they would be interesting in putting together another group project making a movie. This way you can influence to learn more English by watching and listening to television in English.
Hola Casey! Hola Ismael!

I was checking out the link you have under counselors “Path to Scholarships.” I find this very good that you added this link because a lot of students especially Hispanics are not aware about scholarships specific for Hispanics and minority students that are available. Some Hispanics even stop going to college because they don’t have money to pay for it no knowing that there are ways to obtain grants, loans and scholarships. For that, I found a websites that is in Spanish and English and both student and parent can check it out to obtain information about:

-scholarship application
-Hispanic Scholarship funds
-other scholarships

The name of the website is: Becas Para Estudiantes Hispanos/Scholarships for Hispanic Students.

This will be a really informative link to have in your blog.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Que rico!

I was assigned two websites that could be used to support teaching and learning in the classrooms. The website material ranged from elementary to the high school levels. The first website I evaluated, Congress for Kids ( ), was designed to educate students (from forth grade through high school) of the federal government and how its actions affect us today. The second website, DesertUSA, ( ), had a number of interesting, educational links of the desert life in the Southwest of the United States. I found this website to be my favorite of the two. Click here to view more!

This is an excerpt from Evaluating Websites. I was given two sites to critique. I found this assignment useful in our blog project because I was able to see what the expectations were for this assignment. I really enjoyed this assignment over all the others because I was able to relate more to the website, desertusa. Congress for Kids was interesting but wasn't fantastic. Take a look at the two sites above to see for yourself. You could also take a peek at "Evaluating Websites." It is located on the left under Casey's Portfolio. Enjoy!

The beautiful desert scenery is from:
In order to become familiar with many aspects of websites, such as accuracy, credibility, purpose, presentation, and correctness, as part of an assignment for this class(Introduction to Technology in Education), we were required to evaluate two websites. The two websites that I evaluated are “inkless tale” and “Supper thinkers”. After completing this activity, one of the most valuable awareness that I leaned is that not all of the information provided in the internet is completely correct. The following paragraph is an introduction to my Website Evaluation. In order to have full view of my Website Evaluation click here.

Both of the web pages that I analyzed relate to the academic development of individuals by providing activities on reading, writing, critical thinking, and ideas on volunteering with the community.
The first web side is called “inkless tales”. I enjoyed visiting this web side. This web side is mostly concerned to encourage its visitors to read, by providing created poems and stories. There is also a section on which the visitor can enhance his or hers math, and drawing skills, while playing interactive games. Best of all, this web side is recommended by the American Library Association.
The second Web side is called “Supper thinkers’. This web side helps its visitors to mature their thinking skill process by providing activities relating to reading, writing, and solving critical thinking problems. In addition, this web side provides ideas for its visitors to become involved in volunteering and community service. Finally,The web side is also beneficial for teachers; it includes lesson plans for teachers to use in their class rooms.
"Technologically literate” people surround us! I have found that the help desk on campus has helped me with numerous, frustrating issues that seem so basic and easy to fix. By far, my mother would be the one I can identify with as being the most advance when it comes to technology. She was a Special Education professor for the University of West Florida last year and taught on-line courses during the summer for people interested in sharpening their skills in the Corrections Education field. I always wondered how she became advance. I tried to watch her so that I could keep up but it didn’t seem like I was ever on the same page as her or my other co-workers. She has many characteristics that benefit her personal and business life. She is able to advance further because she has the skills necessary to land any job she puts her mind to. She loves to learn especially about technology because it’s the fastest growing field. I have learned to be precise and cautious of your work. I always double or triple check my work because you can easily make a mistake with technology. It can make life easier but at times it can be frustrating. Click here for more...

Above is an excerpt from my Experience with Technology. I learned a lot about myself during this assignment. I learned how technologically illiterate I was and how much room I had to improve to succeed in the Education field. Basically, I was more than ready to learn as much as possible. My mother was constantly using some form of technology in and out of the office. I should have learned more than what I know now but it all takes time and patience. Taking this class has helped me realize how important technology is as a future educator.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Perico, Perico, Perico.

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As part of this course, Introduction in technology to education, I was assigned to create a PowerPoint quiz based on the content of a book. The title of my book is “Parrot in the Oven, my vida” by Victor Martinez. The novel is about the experiences of Manuel Hernandez, or also known as Manny, through his young adult life. I enjoyed every chapter of this book. I, as Mexican, believe that the experiences of Manny’s life related to almost every Mexican and Mexican-American’s life as a young adult. In addition, I enjoyed this book because it is exceptionally detail describe that when I read it, it almost made me feel as if I were to be part of the novel.
I strongly recommend to you, to read this book, it contains many spanglish and Spanish words and phrases, and after you have read the book, I recommend to you, to take my quiz and tell me what you think about it.
I guaranteed you will enjoy it.
In order to access to my quiz click here. Have fun!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

New and Improved Classroom Activity!

Check out this exciting classroom activity to engage your classroom full of ESOL students to learn English with music!

1-Introduce the different styles of music in the United States.

2-Before you start this assignment involving technology, you need to be aware that some of the students might not know how to use a computer. (Tania brought up a great point about ESOL students involving technology. Most ESOL students come from low income households and may have not been exposed to computers in their home countries. Therefore, before you start this activity, it is vital that you introduce computers by taking baby steps.)

In class, I suggest having each student create a simple PowerPoint (3 slides) about the type of music they like (ex. Rock, Hip-Hop). On the next day, you can help the students improve their PowerPoint by adding in special effects (such as transitions) and pictures. Another tool you can expose your students to is how to use the Internet by using search engines such as or

3-After your students have mastered the basics of PowerPoint, split them into five groups: Rock, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Oldies.

4-Now, assign the groups to create a creative PowerPoint using the chorus of a song from their type of music. They will also need to be prepared to teach the chorus to the class when they have completed it. Make sure that you provide both bilingual (Spanish-English) and English language dictionaries during the project. Also, provide websites students can visit for extra help in English and Spanish.

There is a catch. The chorus needs to include the word love. This is where the Internet research comes in handy. They can look up the word (love) at

5- The groups will then need to e-mail you the song of their choice for approval. After you have e-mailed your approval back to the student; give the class two days to complete the PowerPoint. On the next day, the groups should be prepared to teach their song to the class.

This is an in-class assignment that should take up a week if the class meets daily.
This is a question to the people who created this blog. Are any of you native spanish speakers? If not what made you decide to do this as a Spanish education site? I think it is cool to see you writing in spanish on your blog. What I also see as interesting is to see how I am not alone in the fact that I took 3.5 years of Spanish language between high school and collge and don't remember a llot of it either.