Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Technology + Music + English = Final Classroom Activity!

Title: Learning English Through Music and Technology

Objectives: The objectives for this activity will be to teach students how to learn and teach a song in English, present their information using PowerPoint, set-up an E-mail account, how to navigate the internet, and introduce the different styles of music in the United States.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge: The only prerequisite skills and knowledge needed for this project are intrest in learning English and about different styles of music. A basic knowledge of computers is not a must because there will be a simple review. We would spend about a day going over the basics of the Internet and PowerPoint.

Materials and/or Tools: The materials needed are up-to-date computers, access to the Internet and PowerPoint.

Set Up / Context: This project is designed for highschool ESOL students and will last for an entire week (depending on how often the class meets). This activity should take place in the classroom because most students may not have access to a computer.

Process / Instructions:

1-Introduce the different styles of music in the United States.

2-Before you start this assignment involving technology, you need to be aware that some of the students might not know how to use a computer. Most ESOL students come from low income households and may have not been exposed to computers in their home countries. Therefore, before you start this activity, it is vital that you introduce computers by taking baby steps.)In class, I suggest having each student create a simple PowerPoint (3 slides) about the type of music they like (ex. Rock, Hip-Hop).

3-On the next day, you can help the students improve their PowerPoint by adding in special effects (such as transitions) and pictures. It is also important that you create a free yahoo account for each student. Go to www.yahoo.com to do so. Another tool you can expose your students to is how to use the Internet by using search engines such as www.google.com or www.google.es (google in Spanish).

4-After your students have mastered the basics of PowerPoint, split them into five groups: Rock, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Oldies.

5-Now, assign the groups to create a creative PowerPoint using the chorus of a song from their type of music. They will also need to be prepared to teach the chorus to the class when they have completed it. Make sure that you provide both bilingual (Spanish-English) and English language dictionaries during the project. Also, provide websites students can visit for extra help in English and Spanish.There is a catch. The chorus needs to include the word love. This is where the Internet research comes in handy.

6- The groups will then need to e-mail you the song of their choice for approval. After you have e-mailed your approval back to the student; give the class two days to complete the PowerPoint.

7-On the next day, the groups should be prepared to teach their song to the class.

Outcome: Once this activity has been completed, each group will have been exposed to a variety of different types of music in the United States. The students should have a better understanding of the computer such as the uses of the Internet (E-mailing, researching) and PowerPoint. Students should also be familiar with the different types of music in the United States and find some similarties so they could continue to listen and understand each song in the English language.

Evaluation and Feedback: When evaluating each group, be sure that the group work has been evenly distributed. During the first couple of days, pay attention to the sites each student is at. When the students are presenting in class, it is vital that each student speaks.

Follow Up: It is easy to follow up on this activity. Ask each Monday morning if there are any new songs out that they like or check to see if they would be interesting in putting together another group project making a movie. This way you can influence to learn more English by watching and listening to television in English.


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