Friday, December 09, 2005

(Picture Provided by Ismael Galicia)

During 1950, when Mr. Ruiz was seven years old, a group of veterinaries sent by the Mexican government went to Mr. Ruiz’s hometown in order to provide medicine for animals, which at that time were constantly dying from an unknown virus. Mr. Ruiz along with the people from his home town rapidly became amazed with the advance transportation that these veterinaries were using. Because there were not roads, the jeeps were force to go trough any surface area, Mr. Ruiz considered these cars as indestructible, yet, astonishing monsters. For Mr. Ruiz, this became his first experience with technology.
The paragraph above is part of my eighteen going eighty assignment. During this assignment, I interviewed an older person, Gabriel Ruiz, about his technology experiences while growing up, and then I wrote a journal summarizing them. I enjoyed creating this assignment, especially because while interviewing Mr. Ruiz, I was able to learn about the Mexican culture in the United States during the 1950’s. In addition, I learned about the popular technology items during Mr. Ruiz’s youth. In order to have full access of Mr. Ruiz’s technology experiences press here. I hope you like it!


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