Friday, December 02, 2005

Perico, Perico, Perico.

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As part of this course, Introduction in technology to education, I was assigned to create a PowerPoint quiz based on the content of a book. The title of my book is “Parrot in the Oven, my vida” by Victor Martinez. The novel is about the experiences of Manuel Hernandez, or also known as Manny, through his young adult life. I enjoyed every chapter of this book. I, as Mexican, believe that the experiences of Manny’s life related to almost every Mexican and Mexican-American’s life as a young adult. In addition, I enjoyed this book because it is exceptionally detail describe that when I read it, it almost made me feel as if I were to be part of the novel.
I strongly recommend to you, to read this book, it contains many spanglish and Spanish words and phrases, and after you have read the book, I recommend to you, to take my quiz and tell me what you think about it.
I guaranteed you will enjoy it.
In order to access to my quiz click here. Have fun!


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