Sunday, December 04, 2005

Que rico!

I was assigned two websites that could be used to support teaching and learning in the classrooms. The website material ranged from elementary to the high school levels. The first website I evaluated, Congress for Kids ( ), was designed to educate students (from forth grade through high school) of the federal government and how its actions affect us today. The second website, DesertUSA, ( ), had a number of interesting, educational links of the desert life in the Southwest of the United States. I found this website to be my favorite of the two. Click here to view more!

This is an excerpt from Evaluating Websites. I was given two sites to critique. I found this assignment useful in our blog project because I was able to see what the expectations were for this assignment. I really enjoyed this assignment over all the others because I was able to relate more to the website, desertusa. Congress for Kids was interesting but wasn't fantastic. Take a look at the two sites above to see for yourself. You could also take a peek at "Evaluating Websites." It is located on the left under Casey's Portfolio. Enjoy!

The beautiful desert scenery is from:


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