Thursday, December 01, 2005

New and Improved Classroom Activity!

Check out this exciting classroom activity to engage your classroom full of ESOL students to learn English with music!

1-Introduce the different styles of music in the United States.

2-Before you start this assignment involving technology, you need to be aware that some of the students might not know how to use a computer. (Tania brought up a great point about ESOL students involving technology. Most ESOL students come from low income households and may have not been exposed to computers in their home countries. Therefore, before you start this activity, it is vital that you introduce computers by taking baby steps.)

In class, I suggest having each student create a simple PowerPoint (3 slides) about the type of music they like (ex. Rock, Hip-Hop). On the next day, you can help the students improve their PowerPoint by adding in special effects (such as transitions) and pictures. Another tool you can expose your students to is how to use the Internet by using search engines such as or

3-After your students have mastered the basics of PowerPoint, split them into five groups: Rock, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Oldies.

4-Now, assign the groups to create a creative PowerPoint using the chorus of a song from their type of music. They will also need to be prepared to teach the chorus to the class when they have completed it. Make sure that you provide both bilingual (Spanish-English) and English language dictionaries during the project. Also, provide websites students can visit for extra help in English and Spanish.

There is a catch. The chorus needs to include the word love. This is where the Internet research comes in handy. They can look up the word (love) at

5- The groups will then need to e-mail you the song of their choice for approval. After you have e-mailed your approval back to the student; give the class two days to complete the PowerPoint. On the next day, the groups should be prepared to teach their song to the class.

This is an in-class assignment that should take up a week if the class meets daily.


Blogger Casey said...

Hola a todas~

I'm glad you all like the classroom activity. I have participated in a similar activity in my Spanish class. Not only did it help me understand more about the culture of some Spanish-speaking countries but I was able to pick up on new words and phrases faster.

To answer your questions:

jbconely: The students will activate a yahoo account before they start doing the PowerPoint excercise in class.

brenna: I was very active in the art programs back in High School and noticed then how much change would happen over a year due to budget cuts. The dance programs are what kept me in school. Honestly, I don't think I would have made it this far if I didn't have an outlet. I hope that the art programs could stick around but I find it unlikely.

I hope this answers your questions. Keep them coming:)

12/04/2005 10:18 AM  

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