Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hola Casey! Hola Ismael!

I was checking out the link you have under counselors “Path to Scholarships.” I find this very good that you added this link because a lot of students especially Hispanics are not aware about scholarships specific for Hispanics and minority students that are available. Some Hispanics even stop going to college because they don’t have money to pay for it no knowing that there are ways to obtain grants, loans and scholarships. For that, I found a websites that is in Spanish and English and both student and parent can check it out to obtain information about:

-scholarship application
-Hispanic Scholarship funds
-other scholarships

The name of the website is: Becas Para Estudiantes Hispanos/Scholarships for Hispanic Students.

This will be a really informative link to have in your blog.


Blogger Casey said...

Thank you Tania! Finding money for college to many high school students seems to be impossible, especially for Hispanic students who live in families that live paycheck to paycheck. Most of these students feel obligated to stay behind and help the family even if they are college bound.

For the past couple of years, I have worked for a Migrant Summer Institute for highschool students. In this six week program, these students learn how to adjust to the change of living away from home (many for the first time), time management, take four or more courses that count towrds both high school and college credit, the opportunity to take the CLEP, and of course about scholarships. The link on our page is a great program that I have particpated in myself. The book helps you step by step for writing essays, filling out applications, everything you could imagine... It helped many students in the program obtain great scholarships, including full-rides. I wanted to offer this link so that the counselors could offer it their students.

Thank you for your link suggestion. I plan to include the link you provide. Keep the suggestions coming!

12/06/2005 8:43 PM  

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